Nutritionist, Homeopath, Iridologist, Master Herbalist, Microscopic Blood Analysis Analyst

Joanna Materka

Joanna Materka is the founder of Dietotherapy London ( and a specialist in natural medicine. As a nutritionist, homeopath, iridologist and certified analyst of microscopic blood analysis, she takes a holistic approach to treatment and disease prevention. Using herbal medicine, dietary therapy, homeopathy and natural supplements, supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Joanna Materka 

Joanna Materka is the founder of Dietotherapy London ( a specialist in natural medicine. As a nutritionist,...

Nutritionist, Homeopath, Iridologist, Master Herbalist, Microscopic Blood Analysis Analyst

Joanna Materka

Joanna Materka is the founder of Dietotherapy London ( and a specialist in natural medicine. As a nutritionist, homeopath, iridologist and certified analyst of microscopic blood analysis, she takes a holistic approach to treatment and disease prevention. Using herbal medicine, dietary therapy, homeopathy and natural supplements, supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


Oľga a Milan Barányiovi

Oľga a Milan sú pár, ktorého celý život sa spája s vášňou k športu a fyzickej aktivite. Od útleho veku boli obaja  ponorení do sveta športu – Oľga začala svoju cestu s volejbalom, keď mala len 10 rokov, a Milan sa od 6 rokov venoval športom ako je hokej, futbal a taktiež atletika. Ich spoločná športová cesta trvá už viac ako 30 rokov, počas ktorých objavili vášeň pre tenis a spoločne sa ponorili do tajov bojových umení, pričom získali majstrovský titul 1. Dan v karate. Šport nie je pre nich len koníčkom, ale aj spôsobom života, ktorým inšpirujú ostatných. Viac ako dve desaťročia aktívne pôsobia v miestnych športových štruktúrach, kde sa angažujú v organizácii podujatí a súťaží pre deti aj dospelých. Topoľčianska bežecká liga, ktorej sú organizátormi, je projektom, ktorý každým rokom priťahuje čoraz väčšiu skupinu amatérskych bežcov – od najmladších po starších, čím vytvárajú komunitu nadšencov pohybu. Ich športová činnosť sa však neobmedzuje len na súťaže a tréningy. Oľga a Milan veria, že šport je kľúčom k zdraviu a dlhovekosti. Už roky propagujú zdravý životný štýl, motivujúc ostatných k starostlivosti o fyzickú kondíciu a zdravie, či už v rámci prevencie chorôb, alebo dosahovania lepších športových výkonov. Svojou dlhoročnou prácou ukazujú, že bez ohľadu na vek je možné byť v skvelej forme, plný energie a vitality. Ich angažovanosť bola ocenená miestnou komunitou, čo dokazujú početné ocenenia, vrátane prestížnej ceny za vynikajúce športové úspechy v roku 2023, ktorú im udelilo Mesto Topoľčany. Spolu so svojimi synmi, ktorí si tiež vybrali športovú cestu, tvorili rodinu, ktorá je vzorom aktívneho a zdravého životného štýlu. Motto: „Je dôležité inšpirovať ľudí, nech môžu byť úžasní v čomkoľvek, čo robia.“

Oľga a Milan Barányiovi  

Oľga a Milan sú pár, ktorého celý život sa spája s vášňou k športu a fyzickej aktivite....


Oľga a Milan Barányiovi

Oľga a Milan sú pár, ktorého celý život sa spája s vášňou k športu a fyzickej aktivite. Od útleho veku boli obaja  ponorení do sveta športu – Oľga začala svoju cestu s volejbalom, keď mala len 10 rokov, a Milan sa od 6 rokov venoval športom ako je hokej, futbal a taktiež atletika. Ich spoločná športová cesta trvá už viac ako 30 rokov, počas ktorých objavili vášeň pre tenis a spoločne sa ponorili do tajov bojových umení, pričom získali majstrovský titul 1. Dan v karate. Šport nie je pre nich len koníčkom, ale aj spôsobom života, ktorým inšpirujú ostatných. Viac ako dve desaťročia aktívne pôsobia v miestnych športových štruktúrach, kde sa angažujú v organizácii podujatí a súťaží pre deti aj dospelých. Topoľčianska bežecká liga, ktorej sú organizátormi, je projektom, ktorý každým rokom priťahuje čoraz väčšiu skupinu amatérskych bežcov – od najmladších po starších, čím vytvárajú komunitu nadšencov pohybu. Ich športová činnosť sa však neobmedzuje len na súťaže a tréningy. Oľga a Milan veria, že šport je kľúčom k zdraviu a dlhovekosti. Už roky propagujú zdravý životný štýl, motivujúc ostatných k starostlivosti o fyzickú kondíciu a zdravie, či už v rámci prevencie chorôb, alebo dosahovania lepších športových výkonov. Svojou dlhoročnou prácou ukazujú, že bez ohľadu na vek je možné byť v skvelej forme, plný energie a vitality. Ich angažovanosť bola ocenená miestnou komunitou, čo dokazujú početné ocenenia, vrátane prestížnej ceny za vynikajúce športové úspechy v roku 2023, ktorú im udelilo Mesto Topoľčany. Spolu so svojimi synmi, ktorí si tiež vybrali športovú cestu, tvorili rodinu, ktorá je vzorom aktívneho a zdravého životného štýlu. Motto: „Je dôležité inšpirovať ľudí, nech môžu byť úžasní v čomkoľvek, čo robia.“

Csaba Kis

Terapeut de medicina alternativa si energetica. Absolvent al Academiei Stiintelor Naturii din Elvetia/Budapesta, studiez in continuare partea holistica a omului. Datorita pregatirii mele pot ajuta oamenii sa inteleaga si sa si rezolve problemele de sanatate si nu doar. Dupa 3 infarcturi, mi am refacut sanatatea printr o alimentatie constienta/sanatoasa dar si prin schimbarea viziunii asupra vietii. Misiunea mea este de a da mai departe importanta alimentatiei constiente si sanatoase, precum si de a “vedea” in spatele fizicului. Emotiile sunt aliatii sau inamicii nostri. Prin munca mea doresc ca tot mai multi oameni sa constientizeze importanta celor doua elemente : FIZICUL si SPRITUALUL !

Alternative medicine and energy therapist. Graduate of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Switzerland/Budapest, I continue to study the holistic side of man. Thanks to my training I can help people to understand and solve their health problems and more. After 3 heart attacks, I have restored my health through a conscious/healthy diet but also by changing my outlook on life. My mission is to further the importance of mindful and healthy eating as well as “seeing” behind the physical. Emotions are our allies or enemies. Through my work I want more and more people to become aware of the importance of these two elements: THE PHYSICAL and THE SPIRITUAL!

Csaba Kis 

Terapeut de medicina alternativa si energetica. Absolvent al Academiei Stiintelor Naturii din Elvetia/Budapesta, studiez in continuare partea...

Csaba Kis

Terapeut de medicina alternativa si energetica. Absolvent al Academiei Stiintelor Naturii din Elvetia/Budapesta, studiez in continuare partea holistica a omului. Datorita pregatirii mele pot ajuta oamenii sa inteleaga si sa si rezolve problemele de sanatate si nu doar. Dupa 3 infarcturi, mi am refacut sanatatea printr o alimentatie constienta/sanatoasa dar si prin schimbarea viziunii asupra vietii. Misiunea mea este de a da mai departe importanta alimentatiei constiente si sanatoase, precum si de a “vedea” in spatele fizicului. Emotiile sunt aliatii sau inamicii nostri. Prin munca mea doresc ca tot mai multi oameni sa constientizeze importanta celor doua elemente : FIZICUL si SPRITUALUL !

Alternative medicine and energy therapist. Graduate of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Switzerland/Budapest, I continue to study the holistic side of man. Thanks to my training I can help people to understand and solve their health problems and more. After 3 heart attacks, I have restored my health through a conscious/healthy diet but also by changing my outlook on life. My mission is to further the importance of mindful and healthy eating as well as “seeing” behind the physical. Emotions are our allies or enemies. Through my work I want more and more people to become aware of the importance of these two elements: THE PHYSICAL and THE SPIRITUAL!

Pascal Maubert Editer

Coach depuis 25 ans, toutes ces années m’ont apportés l’expérience requise pour répondre aux objectifs de mes clients, sur le programme sportif à employer, la supplémentation et nutrition aussi. Je travaille en collaboration avec de grands médecins, sportifs, cardiologue, nutritionniste, kiné, chiropracteu. Ma carrière a été riche en enseignement, par mes interventions auprès du milieu sportif, au début de mon parcours j’étais au Girondins de Bordeaux Omnisport puis football, stade bordelais d’athlétisme ou j’ai côtoyé de nombreux sportifs de haut niveau, ainsi que des golfeurs, basketteur, volley-bal. J’ai également était propriétaire de 2 clubs de remise en forme à Bordeaux et Toulouse (Aquagym, musculation, cardio…), dans cette période j’ai également fait des préparations physique et diététique pour des culturistes homme et femme ou j’ai eu des champion d’Europe et monde. Après la vente des clubs j’ai repris mon activité de préparateur physique à plein temps, en coachant des particuliers en général et quelque sportifs avec différents objectifs à réaliser ; perte de poids, prise de poids, développement des qualités physiques, rééducation suite à une blessure, compensation musculaire, cardi.

As a coach for 25 years, all these years have given me the experience needed to meet my clients’ objectives, in terms of the sports programme to be used, supplements and nutrition too. I work in collaboration with leading doctors, sportsmen and women, cardiologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and chiropractors. At the start of my career, I was with Girondins de Bordeaux Omnisport, then football, and the Bordeaux athletics stadium, where I rubbed shoulders with many top sportsmen and women, as well as golfers, basketball players and volleyball players. I also owned 2 fitness clubs in Bordeaux and Toulouse (aquagym, bodybuilding, cardio, etc.). During this period I also did physical and dietary training for male and female bodybuilders, where I had European and world champions. After selling the clubs, I went back to work as a full-time fitness trainer, coaching individuals in general and some sportsmen and women with different objectives to achieve; weight loss, weight gain, developing physical qualities, rehabilitation following injury, muscle compensation, cardio, etc.

Pascal Maubert Editer 

Coach depuis 25 ans, toutes ces années m’ont apportés l’expérience requise pour répondre aux objectifs de mes...

Pascal Maubert Editer

Coach depuis 25 ans, toutes ces années m’ont apportés l’expérience requise pour répondre aux objectifs de mes clients, sur le programme sportif à employer, la supplémentation et nutrition aussi. Je travaille en collaboration avec de grands médecins, sportifs, cardiologue, nutritionniste, kiné, chiropracteu. Ma carrière a été riche en enseignement, par mes interventions auprès du milieu sportif, au début de mon parcours j’étais au Girondins de Bordeaux Omnisport puis football, stade bordelais d’athlétisme ou j’ai côtoyé de nombreux sportifs de haut niveau, ainsi que des golfeurs, basketteur, volley-bal. J’ai également était propriétaire de 2 clubs de remise en forme à Bordeaux et Toulouse (Aquagym, musculation, cardio…), dans cette période j’ai également fait des préparations physique et diététique pour des culturistes homme et femme ou j’ai eu des champion d’Europe et monde. Après la vente des clubs j’ai repris mon activité de préparateur physique à plein temps, en coachant des particuliers en général et quelque sportifs avec différents objectifs à réaliser ; perte de poids, prise de poids, développement des qualités physiques, rééducation suite à une blessure, compensation musculaire, cardi.

As a coach for 25 years, all these years have given me the experience needed to meet my clients’ objectives, in terms of the sports programme to be used, supplements and nutrition too. I work in collaboration with leading doctors, sportsmen and women, cardiologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and chiropractors. At the start of my career, I was with Girondins de Bordeaux Omnisport, then football, and the Bordeaux athletics stadium, where I rubbed shoulders with many top sportsmen and women, as well as golfers, basketball players and volleyball players. I also owned 2 fitness clubs in Bordeaux and Toulouse (aquagym, bodybuilding, cardio, etc.). During this period I also did physical and dietary training for male and female bodybuilders, where I had European and world champions. After selling the clubs, I went back to work as a full-time fitness trainer, coaching individuals in general and some sportsmen and women with different objectives to achieve; weight loss, weight gain, developing physical qualities, rehabilitation following injury, muscle compensation, cardio, etc.

Make-up artist, Health enthusiast, Manager

Justyna Guzik

Justyna Guzik – Maquilleur, Passionné de santé, Manager.
Femme ambitieuse, entreprenante, épouse et mère. Co-fondatrice de l’association Pepiniera, regroupant des entrepreneurs polonais en France. Maquilleuse et styliste de sourcils. Promotrice de pratique de vie consciente. Organisatrice de Clubs Parisiens de Santé. Organisatrice du Club des nageurs hivernaux.

Ambitious, enterprising woman, wife and mother. Co-founder of the Pepiniera association, bringing together Polish entrepreneurs in France. Make-up artist and eyebrow stylist. Promoter of conscious living practices. Organiser of Paris Health Clubs. Organiser of the Winter Swimmers’ Club.

Justyna Guzik 

Justyna Guzik – Maquilleur, Passionné de santé, Manager.Femme ambitieuse, entreprenante, épouse et mère. Co-fondatrice de l’association Pepiniera,...

Make-up artist, Health enthusiast, Manager

Justyna Guzik

Justyna Guzik – Maquilleur, Passionné de santé, Manager.
Femme ambitieuse, entreprenante, épouse et mère. Co-fondatrice de l’association Pepiniera, regroupant des entrepreneurs polonais en France. Maquilleuse et styliste de sourcils. Promotrice de pratique de vie consciente. Organisatrice de Clubs Parisiens de Santé. Organisatrice du Club des nageurs hivernaux.

Ambitious, enterprising woman, wife and mother. Co-founder of the Pepiniera association, bringing together Polish entrepreneurs in France. Make-up artist and eyebrow stylist. Promoter of conscious living practices. Organiser of Paris Health Clubs. Organiser of the Winter Swimmers’ Club.

Holistic coach

Constantin Viersac

Constantin Viersac – Coach holistique.
Les recherches que j’ai pu mener depuis les 12 dernières années au contact de plusieurs centaines de personnes et également dans ma vie privée m’ont mené a un constat sans appel: Notre plus grand challenge est de construire une vie équilibrée, heureuse et épanouie. Grâce à mes différentes expériences personnelles dans le sport de haut niveau, le coaching et le commerce j’ai pu mettre à contribution mes connaissances et mon expertise pour accompagner mes clients dans leur développement personnel et professionnel. Étant quelqu’un de passionné et naturellement empathique, mon approche holistique me permet de comprendre facilement les besoins de mes pairs. Ma vision de l’épanouissement repose sur 3 piliers fondamentaux : la santé physique, la santé de l’esprit et la santé de l’âme. Quelque soit votre objectif dans la vie, si vous cherchez à vivre mieux, il est nécessaire de faire des choix conscients, qui vous mèneront dans la bonne direction.  Je suis intimement convaincu que chacun d’entre nous mérite de vivre une vie heureuse et épanouie et telle est ma mission aujourd’hui avec la world healthy living foundation.

The research I’ve been able to carry out over the last 12 years, in contact with several hundred people and also in my private life, has led me to an unequivocal conclusion: Our greatest challenge is to build a balanced, happy and fulfilled life. Thanks to my various personal experiences in top-level sport, coaching and business, I’ve been able to use my knowledge and expertise to help my clients in their personal and professional development. As a passionate and naturally empathetic person, my holistic approach makes it easy for me to understand the needs of my peers. My vision of fulfilment is based on 3 fundamental pillars: physical health, mental health and spiritual health. Whatever your goal in life, if you want to live better, you need to make conscious choices that will lead you in the right direction. I am firmly convinced that each and every one of us deserves to live a happy and fulfilled life, and that is my mission today with the world healthy living foundation.

Constantin Viersac 

Constantin Viersac – Coach holistique. Les recherches que j’ai pu mener depuis les 12 dernières années au...

Holistic coach

Constantin Viersac

Constantin Viersac – Coach holistique.
Les recherches que j’ai pu mener depuis les 12 dernières années au contact de plusieurs centaines de personnes et également dans ma vie privée m’ont mené a un constat sans appel: Notre plus grand challenge est de construire une vie équilibrée, heureuse et épanouie. Grâce à mes différentes expériences personnelles dans le sport de haut niveau, le coaching et le commerce j’ai pu mettre à contribution mes connaissances et mon expertise pour accompagner mes clients dans leur développement personnel et professionnel. Étant quelqu’un de passionné et naturellement empathique, mon approche holistique me permet de comprendre facilement les besoins de mes pairs. Ma vision de l’épanouissement repose sur 3 piliers fondamentaux : la santé physique, la santé de l’esprit et la santé de l’âme. Quelque soit votre objectif dans la vie, si vous cherchez à vivre mieux, il est nécessaire de faire des choix conscients, qui vous mèneront dans la bonne direction.  Je suis intimement convaincu que chacun d’entre nous mérite de vivre une vie heureuse et épanouie et telle est ma mission aujourd’hui avec la world healthy living foundation.

The research I’ve been able to carry out over the last 12 years, in contact with several hundred people and also in my private life, has led me to an unequivocal conclusion: Our greatest challenge is to build a balanced, happy and fulfilled life. Thanks to my various personal experiences in top-level sport, coaching and business, I’ve been able to use my knowledge and expertise to help my clients in their personal and professional development. As a passionate and naturally empathetic person, my holistic approach makes it easy for me to understand the needs of my peers. My vision of fulfilment is based on 3 fundamental pillars: physical health, mental health and spiritual health. Whatever your goal in life, if you want to live better, you need to make conscious choices that will lead you in the right direction. I am firmly convinced that each and every one of us deserves to live a happy and fulfilled life, and that is my mission today with the world healthy living foundation.

therapist, lecturer, coach, motivator, expert in coping with fear and stressful situations, organizer of experiential seminars and foreign stays, writer, actor and moderator, athlete, hardy, record holder

Josef Šálek

Josef Šálek – terapeut, lektor, kouč, motivátor, odborník na zvládání strachu a zátěžových situací, organizátor prožitkových seminářů a zahraničních pobytů, spisovatel, herec a moderátor, sportovec, otužilec, rekordman.
Věnuji se osobnímu rozvoji jako kouč, mentor a motivátor. Mentální trénink a hygienu propojuji s fyzickými aktivitami a to mě posunulo do vysoké fyzické výkonnosti. Těmito výkony ukazuji jak se dá pracovat s pozorností a mentálním nastavením a i v obtížných a zátěžových situacích klidně dýchat a odpočívat. A to pak lze využít v jakékoliv jiné těžké životní situaci a rád bych své zkušenosti předával i dalším uvědomělým lidem. Zároveň jsem se uvolnil od závislosti na jídle a rok a půl dodávám tělu výživu pouze tekutou formou.

I am dedicated to personal development as a coach, mentor and motivator. I combine mental training and hygiene with physical activities and this has pushed me into high physical performance. Through these performances I show how to work with mindfulness and mental attunement and to breathe calmly and relax even in difficult and stressful situations. And this can then be used in any other difficult life situation and I would like to pass on my experience to other mindful people. At the same time, I have freed myself from food addiction and for a year and a half I have been supplying my body with nutrition only in liquid form.

Josef Šálek 

Josef Šálek – terapeut, lektor, kouč, motivátor, odborník na zvládání strachu a zátěžových situací, organizátor prožitkových seminářů...

therapist, lecturer, coach, motivator, expert in coping with fear and stressful situations, organizer of experiential seminars and foreign stays, writer, actor and moderator, athlete, hardy, record holder

Josef Šálek

Josef Šálek – terapeut, lektor, kouč, motivátor, odborník na zvládání strachu a zátěžových situací, organizátor prožitkových seminářů a zahraničních pobytů, spisovatel, herec a moderátor, sportovec, otužilec, rekordman.
Věnuji se osobnímu rozvoji jako kouč, mentor a motivátor. Mentální trénink a hygienu propojuji s fyzickými aktivitami a to mě posunulo do vysoké fyzické výkonnosti. Těmito výkony ukazuji jak se dá pracovat s pozorností a mentálním nastavením a i v obtížných a zátěžových situacích klidně dýchat a odpočívat. A to pak lze využít v jakékoliv jiné těžké životní situaci a rád bych své zkušenosti předával i dalším uvědomělým lidem. Zároveň jsem se uvolnil od závislosti na jídle a rok a půl dodávám tělu výživu pouze tekutou formou.

I am dedicated to personal development as a coach, mentor and motivator. I combine mental training and hygiene with physical activities and this has pushed me into high physical performance. Through these performances I show how to work with mindfulness and mental attunement and to breathe calmly and relax even in difficult and stressful situations. And this can then be used in any other difficult life situation and I would like to pass on my experience to other mindful people. At the same time, I have freed myself from food addiction and for a year and a half I have been supplying my body with nutrition only in liquid form.

Nutrition coach

Caroline Delaunois

Caroline Delaunois – coach en nutrition.
Je m’appelle Caroline Delaunois, dynamique et active, j’aime vivre la vie pleinement ! Diplomée « Ingénieur industriel en Chimie en 2003, j’ai eu l’occasion à travers mon parcours professionnel de découvrir le monde de l’industrie pharmaceutique et médical en tant que consultante dans ces différents domaines. Au cours des années, je me suis rendue compte que ce qui me nourrit vraiment , c’est prendre soin de l’humain ! Comment ? En commençant par ce qui pour moi est la base : l’alimentation. Comme le disais déjà à l’époque Hippocrate : Que ton aliment soit ton médicament ! En 2018, j’ai donc décidé suite à une épreuve de vie de donner une toute autre orientation à ma carrière professionnelle , pour pouvoir me consacrer à ma passion pour la nutrition , les médecines douces et le développement de son potentiel .Pour palier à ce besoin je me suis formée par une formation de Coach en nutrition. Passionnée par ce domaine, j’ai approfondi mon apprentissage par diverses formations en nutrithérapie et micro nutrition. J’ai plusieurs formations complémentaires qui me permettent de proposer une approche holistique et globale.

My name is Caroline Delaunois, and I’m a dynamic, active person who likes to live life to the full! I graduated as an Industrial Engineer in Chemistry in 2003, and in the course of my career I’ve had the opportunity to discover the world of the pharmaceutical and medical industries as a consultant in these different fields. Over the years, I’ve come to realise that what really nourishes me is taking care of people! And how do I do that? By starting with what I consider to be the basics: food. As Hippocrates said back in the day: Let your food be your medicine! In 2018, following a life ordeal, I decided to give a completely different direction to my professional career, so that I could devote myself to my passion for nutrition, alternative medicine and developing one’s potential. To meet this need, I trained as a Nutrition Coach. I’m passionate about this field and have furthered my training with various courses in nutritherapy and micro-nutrition. I have a number of complementary qualifications that enable me to offer a holistic and comprehensive approach.

Caroline Delaunois 

Caroline Delaunois – coach en nutrition. Je m’appelle Caroline Delaunois, dynamique et active, j’aime vivre la vie...

Nutrition coach

Caroline Delaunois

Caroline Delaunois – coach en nutrition.
Je m’appelle Caroline Delaunois, dynamique et active, j’aime vivre la vie pleinement ! Diplomée « Ingénieur industriel en Chimie en 2003, j’ai eu l’occasion à travers mon parcours professionnel de découvrir le monde de l’industrie pharmaceutique et médical en tant que consultante dans ces différents domaines. Au cours des années, je me suis rendue compte que ce qui me nourrit vraiment , c’est prendre soin de l’humain ! Comment ? En commençant par ce qui pour moi est la base : l’alimentation. Comme le disais déjà à l’époque Hippocrate : Que ton aliment soit ton médicament ! En 2018, j’ai donc décidé suite à une épreuve de vie de donner une toute autre orientation à ma carrière professionnelle , pour pouvoir me consacrer à ma passion pour la nutrition , les médecines douces et le développement de son potentiel .Pour palier à ce besoin je me suis formée par une formation de Coach en nutrition. Passionnée par ce domaine, j’ai approfondi mon apprentissage par diverses formations en nutrithérapie et micro nutrition. J’ai plusieurs formations complémentaires qui me permettent de proposer une approche holistique et globale.

My name is Caroline Delaunois, and I’m a dynamic, active person who likes to live life to the full! I graduated as an Industrial Engineer in Chemistry in 2003, and in the course of my career I’ve had the opportunity to discover the world of the pharmaceutical and medical industries as a consultant in these different fields. Over the years, I’ve come to realise that what really nourishes me is taking care of people! And how do I do that? By starting with what I consider to be the basics: food. As Hippocrates said back in the day: Let your food be your medicine! In 2018, following a life ordeal, I decided to give a completely different direction to my professional career, so that I could devote myself to my passion for nutrition, alternative medicine and developing one’s potential. To meet this need, I trained as a Nutrition Coach. I’m passionate about this field and have furthered my training with various courses in nutritherapy and micro-nutrition. I have a number of complementary qualifications that enable me to offer a holistic and comprehensive approach.

Hang Phung Thi

Študovala som medicínu v rokoch 1996 – 1999 vo Vietname. Po promócii som pracovala vo Vietname do roku 2004, potom som odišla do Česka za rodinou. V roku 2010 som sa vrátila do Vietnamu a študovala ešte 2,5 roka farmáciu. Od roku 2013 som začala pracovať vo farmaceutickom a zdravotnom poradenstvo pre menšiu skupinu vietnamskej komunity v Prahe. Milujem prírodné produkty, preto sa stále snažím a zaoberám sa jednoduchým a Zdravým životným štýlom – potraviny, nápoje a doplnky stravy pochádzajúce z prírody, ktoré podporujú aktívnu, bezpečnú a najúčinnejšiu starostlivosť o zdravie moje aj ostatných. Mojím jediným prianím je byť schopná pomôcť ľuďom lepšie porozumieť zdravotnej starostlivosti a byť aktívnejší v prevencii chorôb. Je to tiež spôsob, ako môžem prispieť k ochrane životného prostredia, k ochrane tejto zelenej, priateľskej a krásnej planéte.

I studied medicine from 1996 to 1999 in Vietnam. After graduation I worked in Vietnam until 2004, then I went to the Czech Republic to visit my family. In 2010, I returned to Vietnam and studied pharmacy for another 2.5 years. Since 2013 I started working in pharmaceutical and health consulting for a small group of Vietnamese community in Prague. I love natural products, so I still try and engage in Simple and Healthy Lifestyle – foods, drinks and supplements derived from nature that promote active, safe and most effective health care for my health and others. My only wish is to be able to help people better understand health care and be more proactive in disease prevention. It is also a way for me to do my part to protect the environment, to protect this green, friendly and beautiful planet.

Hang Phung Thi 

Študovala som medicínu v rokoch 1996 – 1999 vo Vietname. Po promócii som pracovala vo Vietname do...

Hang Phung Thi

Študovala som medicínu v rokoch 1996 – 1999 vo Vietname. Po promócii som pracovala vo Vietname do roku 2004, potom som odišla do Česka za rodinou. V roku 2010 som sa vrátila do Vietnamu a študovala ešte 2,5 roka farmáciu. Od roku 2013 som začala pracovať vo farmaceutickom a zdravotnom poradenstvo pre menšiu skupinu vietnamskej komunity v Prahe. Milujem prírodné produkty, preto sa stále snažím a zaoberám sa jednoduchým a Zdravým životným štýlom – potraviny, nápoje a doplnky stravy pochádzajúce z prírody, ktoré podporujú aktívnu, bezpečnú a najúčinnejšiu starostlivosť o zdravie moje aj ostatných. Mojím jediným prianím je byť schopná pomôcť ľuďom lepšie porozumieť zdravotnej starostlivosti a byť aktívnejší v prevencii chorôb. Je to tiež spôsob, ako môžem prispieť k ochrane životného prostredia, k ochrane tejto zelenej, priateľskej a krásnej planéte.

I studied medicine from 1996 to 1999 in Vietnam. After graduation I worked in Vietnam until 2004, then I went to the Czech Republic to visit my family. In 2010, I returned to Vietnam and studied pharmacy for another 2.5 years. Since 2013 I started working in pharmaceutical and health consulting for a small group of Vietnamese community in Prague. I love natural products, so I still try and engage in Simple and Healthy Lifestyle – foods, drinks and supplements derived from nature that promote active, safe and most effective health care for my health and others. My only wish is to be able to help people better understand health care and be more proactive in disease prevention. It is also a way for me to do my part to protect the environment, to protect this green, friendly and beautiful planet.

Janka Francová

K zdraviu, strave a výžive pristupujem celostne, opieram sa o všetky rokmi nadobudnuté a aj na sebe odskúšané poznatky. Za svoj život som prešla rôznymi spôsobmi stravovania, suplementáciou, vedenými pôstami.
Zmenou seba samých, môžeme byť príkladom pre svoje okolie. Lebo práve naša zmena je najlepším autentickým príkladom nášho stavu a snaženia.
V minulosti som viedla prednášky a kurzy surovej stravy, venovala som sa vytváraniu receptov z tejto oblasti a výrobe RAW cakes. Som Sound Healing terapeut, venujem sa spiritualnej terapii, aromaterapii, ľudovému liečiteľstvu a mentoringu fyzického, duševného, emočného a mentálneho zdravia.
Denne dostávam možnosť dotýkať sa príbehov ľudí, aby som pochopila akú jedinečnosť a silu uzdravenia každý z nás zakódovanú. Moja práca rokmi prirodzene povýšila na moje poslanie, už skoro 20 rokov sa venujem holistickému princípu a jeho šíreniu.
Mám za sebou množstvo úspešne vyriešených prípadov a mnohokrát aj takých kde samotná klinická liečba už nedávala človeku možnosť a nádej na uzdravenie. Možnosť odovzdávať poznatky a rokmi nadobudnuté skúsenosti v oblasti zdravia je pre mňa splneným snom o pomoci ľudom, ktorí sa stratili na ich vlastnej životnej ceste.
Keď žiješ tú najlepšiu verziu samého seba, inšpiruješ ostatných, aby žili tú najlepšiu verziu seba tiež ❤️

I take a holistic approach to health, diet and nutrition, relying on all the knowledge I have gained over the years and tested on myself. In my life I have gone through different ways of eating, supplementation, guided fasts.
By changing ourselves, we can be an example for those around us. Because it is our change that is the best authentic example of our condition and our efforts.
In the past, I’ve given talks and classes on raw food, I’ve been involved in creating recipes in this area and making RAW cakes. I am a Sound Healing Therapist, practicing spiritual therapy, aromatherapy, folk healing and mentoring physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Daily I get the opportunity to touch people’s stories to understand what uniqueness and power of healing each of us has encoded. My work has naturally elevated over the years to my mission, I have been dedicated to the holistic principle and its propagation for almost 20 years.
I have successfully resolved many cases and many times where clinical treatment alone no longer gave the person the opportunity and hope for healing. Being able to pass on the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years in the field of health is a dream come true for me to help people who are lost on their own life journey.
When you live the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best version of themselves too ❤️

Janka Francová 

K zdraviu, strave a výžive pristupujem celostne, opieram sa o všetky rokmi nadobudnuté a aj na sebe...

Janka Francová

K zdraviu, strave a výžive pristupujem celostne, opieram sa o všetky rokmi nadobudnuté a aj na sebe odskúšané poznatky. Za svoj život som prešla rôznymi spôsobmi stravovania, suplementáciou, vedenými pôstami.
Zmenou seba samých, môžeme byť príkladom pre svoje okolie. Lebo práve naša zmena je najlepším autentickým príkladom nášho stavu a snaženia.
V minulosti som viedla prednášky a kurzy surovej stravy, venovala som sa vytváraniu receptov z tejto oblasti a výrobe RAW cakes. Som Sound Healing terapeut, venujem sa spiritualnej terapii, aromaterapii, ľudovému liečiteľstvu a mentoringu fyzického, duševného, emočného a mentálneho zdravia.
Denne dostávam možnosť dotýkať sa príbehov ľudí, aby som pochopila akú jedinečnosť a silu uzdravenia každý z nás zakódovanú. Moja práca rokmi prirodzene povýšila na moje poslanie, už skoro 20 rokov sa venujem holistickému princípu a jeho šíreniu.
Mám za sebou množstvo úspešne vyriešených prípadov a mnohokrát aj takých kde samotná klinická liečba už nedávala človeku možnosť a nádej na uzdravenie. Možnosť odovzdávať poznatky a rokmi nadobudnuté skúsenosti v oblasti zdravia je pre mňa splneným snom o pomoci ľudom, ktorí sa stratili na ich vlastnej životnej ceste.
Keď žiješ tú najlepšiu verziu samého seba, inšpiruješ ostatných, aby žili tú najlepšiu verziu seba tiež ❤️

I take a holistic approach to health, diet and nutrition, relying on all the knowledge I have gained over the years and tested on myself. In my life I have gone through different ways of eating, supplementation, guided fasts.
By changing ourselves, we can be an example for those around us. Because it is our change that is the best authentic example of our condition and our efforts.
In the past, I’ve given talks and classes on raw food, I’ve been involved in creating recipes in this area and making RAW cakes. I am a Sound Healing Therapist, practicing spiritual therapy, aromatherapy, folk healing and mentoring physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Daily I get the opportunity to touch people’s stories to understand what uniqueness and power of healing each of us has encoded. My work has naturally elevated over the years to my mission, I have been dedicated to the holistic principle and its propagation for almost 20 years.
I have successfully resolved many cases and many times where clinical treatment alone no longer gave the person the opportunity and hope for healing. Being able to pass on the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years in the field of health is a dream come true for me to help people who are lost on their own life journey.
When you live the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best version of themselves too ❤️

Therapist, homeopath, massage therapist, networker, economist

Eng. Kamila Osvaldová

Ing. Kamila Osvaldová – terapeut, homeopat, masér, networker, ekonom
Máma tří dětí, která se již více než 14 let pohybuje v oblasti alternativní medicíny. Je profesionální homeopat, nicméně se ve své poradně věnuje i řadě dalších terapií jako například Bachova květová terapie, terapie ušními a tělovými svícemi, metamorfní technika, detoxikaci organismu, relaxačním a baby masážím. Rovněž pořádá kurzy a workshopy zaměřené na to, jak být sám/sama sobě lékařem. Svou původní profesí je Ing. v oborů financí. Nicméně tento obor, který pro ni nikdy nebyl srdeční záležitostí, s příchodem třetího dítěte definitivně opustila. Je propagátorka holistického přístupu ke zdraví a holistického vzdělávání.

A mother of three who has been in the alternative medicine field for over 14 years. She is a professional homeopath, however, she also does a number of other therapies in her consulting room such as Bach Flower Therapy, ear and body candle therapy, metamorphic technique, body detoxification, relaxation and baby massage. She also runs courses and workshops on how to be your own doctor. Her original profession is Eng. in finance. However, she has definitely left this field, which was never a matter of heart for her, with the arrival of her third child. She is a promoter of holistic approach to health and holistic education.

Eng. Kamila Osvaldová 

Ing. Kamila Osvaldová – terapeut, homeopat, masér, networker, ekonomMáma tří dětí, která se již více než 14...

Therapist, homeopath, massage therapist, networker, economist

Eng. Kamila Osvaldová

Ing. Kamila Osvaldová – terapeut, homeopat, masér, networker, ekonom
Máma tří dětí, která se již více než 14 let pohybuje v oblasti alternativní medicíny. Je profesionální homeopat, nicméně se ve své poradně věnuje i řadě dalších terapií jako například Bachova květová terapie, terapie ušními a tělovými svícemi, metamorfní technika, detoxikaci organismu, relaxačním a baby masážím. Rovněž pořádá kurzy a workshopy zaměřené na to, jak být sám/sama sobě lékařem. Svou původní profesí je Ing. v oborů financí. Nicméně tento obor, který pro ni nikdy nebyl srdeční záležitostí, s příchodem třetího dítěte definitivně opustila. Je propagátorka holistického přístupu ke zdraví a holistického vzdělávání.

A mother of three who has been in the alternative medicine field for over 14 years. She is a professional homeopath, however, she also does a number of other therapies in her consulting room such as Bach Flower Therapy, ear and body candle therapy, metamorphic technique, body detoxification, relaxation and baby massage. She also runs courses and workshops on how to be your own doctor. Her original profession is Eng. in finance. However, she has definitely left this field, which was never a matter of heart for her, with the arrival of her third child. She is a promoter of holistic approach to health and holistic education.

physiotherapist, public health worker, mediator, personal trainer

RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. physiotherapist Csaba Csolti

RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. fyzioterapeut Csaba Csolti – fyzioterapeut, verejný zdravotník, mediátor, osobný tréner.
Csaba Csolti patrí medzi priekopníkov novodobej fyzioterapie. Pravidelne prednáša budúcim fyzioterapeutom na viacerých univerzitách na Slovensku a vedie odborné semináre rôznym športovým klubom. Je členom množstva medzinárodných odborných organizácií. Je bývalým prezidentom Slovenskej komory fyzioterapeutov a autorom viacerých odborných článkov. Popri fyzioterapii sa intenzívne venuje zdravotníckemu manažmentu, športovému koučingu a najnovšej mediácii. Je organizátorom nespočetných vzdelávacích aktivít pre odbornú aj laickú verejnosť. Svoju vyše 25 ročnú prax v celoštátnej medicíne denne aplikuje pri riešení najrôznejších problémov pohybového systému. Cscaba má viac ako 25 rokov skúseností v odbore. Špecializácia: NeuroMuskuloSkeletárna diagnostika a terapia pohybových porúch. Funkčná diagnostika pohybového systému a manuálna medicína. Mobilizačno-manipulačné techniky. Manažment/audit kvality a rizík v zdravotníctve. Dohľad nad ochranou zdravia pri práci. Mediátor. Vzdelanie, kurzy: NeuroMuskuloSkeletárna diagnostika a terapia pohybových porúch (NMS podľa Mgr. Mariána Jendrichovského, PhD.). Mobilizačno-manipulačné techniky A,B,C (SZU). Funkčná diagnostika pohybového systému a funkčná manuálna medicína (podľa doc. MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc.). Kostrčový syndróm a jeho diferenciálna diagnostika podľa Metódy funkčnej manuálnej medicíny doc.MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc.). Osový orgán a jeho vyšetrenie, diferenciálny diagnostika, liečba podľa metódy funkčnej manuálnej medicíny doc. MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc. Kurz hlbokého stabilizačného systému chrbtice (SLK Piešťany). Reflexná metóda podľa MUDr. Vojtu – špeciálny kurz pre fyzioterapeutov I.(FNSP Košice).Pilates on the ball, Pilates Medical /SR/ – Polstar Education /USA/. Pilates – kurz A. bratislava – Pilates Medical – Pilates Akademia Wien /A/. Pilates – kurz B. Praha – Wellness school /CZ/. IDEA /USA/. Pilates – kurz C. Wien – Pilates Konvent /A/. Bod Control Pilates /GB/. Podiatria pre lekárov a fyzioterapeutov v každodennej praxi MUDr. M. Hviezda DiP. /CZ/ – Revitalis McKenzie – teória a prax. PhDr. M. kotrbancová – Revitalis. Bratislava. Kurz metódy SM Systém podľa MUDr. R. Smýška /CZ/ – Rehabko. Žilina. Komplexný prístup vo fyzioterapii podľa MUDr. J. Hnizdila – Centrum komplexní péče /CZ/. Rehabko, Žilina, Hippoterapia A,B (SZU). Fascial Fitness – Fascial Fitness Accociabon GmbH, FDM – Fasicial Distartion Model. Využitie diagnostického ultrazvuku v rehabilitácii – zdravo a Fit , Flossing – EasyFlossing Academy. Balance Mozgás Akadémia /HU/. International Board of Certification in Physioterapy /ESP/

Csaba Csolti is one of the pioneers of modern physiotherapy. He regularly lectures to future physiotherapists at several universities in Slovakia and conducts professional seminars for various sports clubs. He is a member of a number of international professional organisations. He is a former president of the Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists and author of several professional articles. In addition to physiotherapy, he is intensively involved in medical management, sports coaching and the latest mediation. He is the organizer of countless educational activities for both professional and lay public. He applies his over 25 years of experience in medicine nationwide to a wide variety of musculoskeletal problems on a daily basis. Cscaba has over 25 years of experience in the field. Specialty: NeuroMusculoskeletal diagnosis and therapy of movement disorders. Functional diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system and manual medicine. Mobilization-manipulation techniques. Quality and risk management/audit in healthcare. Occupational health surveillance. Mediator. Education, courses: NeuroMusculoskeletal Diagnosis and Therapy of Movement Disorders (NMS by Marian Jendrichovsky, M.Sc., PhD.). Functional diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system and functional manual medicine (according to MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc.). Skeletal syndrome and its differential diagnosis according to the Method of functional manual medicine doc.MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc.). Axial organ and its examination, differential diagnosis, treatment according to the method of functional manual medicine doc. MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc. Course of deep stabilization system of the spine (SLK Piešt’any). Reflex method according to MUDr. Vojta – special course for physiotherapists I. (FNSP Košice).Pilates on the ball, Pilates Medical /SR/ – Polstar Education /USA/. Pilates – course A. bratislava – Pilates Medical – Pilates Akademia Wien /A/. Pilates – course B. Prague – Wellness school /CZ/. IDEA /USA/. Pilates course C. Wien – Pilates Konvent /A/. Bod Control Pilates /GB/. Podiatry for doctors and physiotherapists in everyday practice MUDr. M. Hviezda DiP. /CZ/ – Revitalis McKenzie – theory and practice. PhDr. M. Kotrbancová – Revitalis. Bratislava. Course of SM System method by MUDr. R. Smýšek /CZ/ – Rehabko. Žilina. Complex approach in physiotherapy according to MUDr. J. Hnizdil – Centrum komplexní péče /CZ/. Fascial Fitness – Fascial Fitness Accociabon GmbH, FDM – Fascial Distartion Model. Use of diagnostic ultrasound in rehabilitation – Healthy and Fit , Flossing – EasyFlossing Academy. Balance Brain Academy /HU/. International Board of Certification in Physiotherapy /ESP/


RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. physiotherapist Csaba Csolti 

RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. fyzioterapeut Csaba Csolti – fyzioterapeut, verejný zdravotník, mediátor, osobný tréner.Csaba Csolti patrí...

physiotherapist, public health worker, mediator, personal trainer

RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. physiotherapist Csaba Csolti

RNDr. Mgr. MPH, MBA, dipl. fyzioterapeut Csaba Csolti – fyzioterapeut, verejný zdravotník, mediátor, osobný tréner.
Csaba Csolti patrí medzi priekopníkov novodobej fyzioterapie. Pravidelne prednáša budúcim fyzioterapeutom na viacerých univerzitách na Slovensku a vedie odborné semináre rôznym športovým klubom. Je členom množstva medzinárodných odborných organizácií. Je bývalým prezidentom Slovenskej komory fyzioterapeutov a autorom viacerých odborných článkov. Popri fyzioterapii sa intenzívne venuje zdravotníckemu manažmentu, športovému koučingu a najnovšej mediácii. Je organizátorom nespočetných vzdelávacích aktivít pre odbornú aj laickú verejnosť. Svoju vyše 25 ročnú prax v celoštátnej medicíne denne aplikuje pri riešení najrôznejších problémov pohybového systému. Cscaba má viac ako 25 rokov skúseností v odbore. Špecializácia: NeuroMuskuloSkeletárna diagnostika a terapia pohybových porúch. Funkčná diagnostika pohybového systému a manuálna medicína. Mobilizačno-manipulačné techniky. Manažment/audit kvality a rizík v zdravotníctve. Dohľad nad ochranou zdravia pri práci. Mediátor. Vzdelanie, kurzy: NeuroMuskuloSkeletárna diagnostika a terapia pohybových porúch (NMS podľa Mgr. Mariána Jendrichovského, PhD.). Mobilizačno-manipulačné techniky A,B,C (SZU). Funkčná diagnostika pohybového systému a funkčná manuálna medicína (podľa doc. MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc.). Kostrčový syndróm a jeho diferenciálna diagnostika podľa Metódy funkčnej manuálnej medicíny doc.MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc.). Osový orgán a jeho vyšetrenie, diferenciálny diagnostika, liečba podľa metódy funkčnej manuálnej medicíny doc. MUDr. Miroslava Tichého, CSc. Kurz hlbokého stabilizačného systému chrbtice (SLK Piešťany). Reflexná metóda podľa MUDr. Vojtu – špeciálny kurz pre fyzioterapeutov I.(FNSP Košice).Pilates on the ball, Pilates Medical /SR/ – Polstar Education /USA/. Pilates – kurz A. bratislava – Pilates Medical – Pilates Akademia Wien /A/. Pilates – kurz B. Praha – Wellness school /CZ/. IDEA /USA/. Pilates – kurz C. Wien – Pilates Konvent /A/. Bod Control Pilates /GB/. Podiatria pre lekárov a fyzioterapeutov v každodennej praxi MUDr. M. Hviezda DiP. /CZ/ – Revitalis McKenzie – teória a prax. PhDr. M. kotrbancová – Revitalis. Bratislava. Kurz metódy SM Systém podľa MUDr. R. Smýška /CZ/ – Rehabko. Žilina. Komplexný prístup vo fyzioterapii podľa MUDr. J. Hnizdila – Centrum komplexní péče /CZ/. Rehabko, Žilina, Hippoterapia A,B (SZU). Fascial Fitness – Fascial Fitness Accociabon GmbH, FDM – Fasicial Distartion Model. Využitie diagnostického ultrazvuku v rehabilitácii – zdravo a Fit , Flossing – EasyFlossing Academy. Balance Mozgás Akadémia /HU/. International Board of Certification in Physioterapy /ESP/

Csaba Csolti is one of the pioneers of modern physiotherapy. He regularly lectures to future physiotherapists at several universities in Slovakia and conducts professional seminars for various sports clubs. He is a member of a number of international professional organisations. He is a former president of the Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists and author of several professional articles. In addition to physiotherapy, he is intensively involved in medical management, sports coaching and the latest mediation. He is the organizer of countless educational activities for both professional and lay public. He applies his over 25 years of experience in medicine nationwide to a wide variety of musculoskeletal problems on a daily basis. Cscaba has over 25 years of experience in the field. Specialty: NeuroMusculoskeletal diagnosis and therapy of movement disorders. Functional diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system and manual medicine. Mobilization-manipulation techniques. Quality and risk management/audit in healthcare. Occupational health surveillance. Mediator. Education, courses: NeuroMusculoskeletal Diagnosis and Therapy of Movement Disorders (NMS by Marian Jendrichovsky, M.Sc., PhD.). Functional diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system and functional manual medicine (according to MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc.). Skeletal syndrome and its differential diagnosis according to the Method of functional manual medicine doc.MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc.). Axial organ and its examination, differential diagnosis, treatment according to the method of functional manual medicine doc. MUDr. Miroslav Tichý, CSc. Course of deep stabilization system of the spine (SLK Piešt’any). Reflex method according to MUDr. Vojta – special course for physiotherapists I. (FNSP Košice).Pilates on the ball, Pilates Medical /SR/ – Polstar Education /USA/. Pilates – course A. bratislava – Pilates Medical – Pilates Akademia Wien /A/. Pilates – course B. Prague – Wellness school /CZ/. IDEA /USA/. Pilates course C. Wien – Pilates Konvent /A/. Bod Control Pilates /GB/. Podiatry for doctors and physiotherapists in everyday practice MUDr. M. Hviezda DiP. /CZ/ – Revitalis McKenzie – theory and practice. PhDr. M. Kotrbancová – Revitalis. Bratislava. Course of SM System method by MUDr. R. Smýšek /CZ/ – Rehabko. Žilina. Complex approach in physiotherapy according to MUDr. J. Hnizdil – Centrum komplexní péče /CZ/. Fascial Fitness – Fascial Fitness Accociabon GmbH, FDM – Fascial Distartion Model. Use of diagnostic ultrasound in rehabilitation – Healthy and Fit , Flossing – EasyFlossing Academy. Balance Brain Academy /HU/. International Board of Certification in Physiotherapy /ESP/


Mentor and therapist of alternative medicine

PhDr. Eva Fábiánová

Mentor a terapeut alternatívnej medicíny.
18 rokov podnikám v oblasti alternatívnej medicíny, používam aj ľudové liečiteľstvo, rôzne terapie, ako napr. regresné terapie. Riešim človeka komplexne na fyzickej, psychickej a duchovnej úrovni. Teda telo, myseľ a dušu. Snažím sa o trvalé zmeny a práve preto sa zameriavam aj na príčiny chorôb a snažím sa prepojiť psychosomatiku a na fyzickej úrovni s darmi prírody a používam na to aj produkty DuoLife. Robím aj energetický koučing, ktorý som absolvovala u známeho amerického terapeuta Toma Besta. Okrem iného som akreditovaný trofológ (odborník na výživu, aj keď si myslím, že sa učíme celý život). Môj projekt sa volá “Som uvedomelá”. Mojim poslaním je naučiť ľudí žiť uvedomelo – jesť uvedomelo, myslieť uvedomelo. Uvedomiť si, že som to, čo jem a na čo myslím. Lebo všetko má svoju vibráciu. Treba si uvedomiť, že je potrebné mať v sebe dostatok pokory k iným, k sebe, k prírode a byť vďačný. Organizujem aj konferencie zamerané na šťastný a úspešný život ľudí, pôstne a detoxikačné pobyty. Okrem toho píšem blog so zameraním na uzdravenie vzťahov, tela a mysle.

I have been in the alternative medicine business for 18 years, I also use folk healing, various therapies such as regression therapies. I treat people holistically on a physical, psychological and spiritual level. So body, mind and soul. I strive for lasting change and that is why I also focus on the causes of disease and try to connect psychosomatics and on the physical level with the gifts of nature and I use DuoLife products for this. I also do energy coaching, which I did with the famous American therapist Tom Best. Among other things, I am an accredited trophologist (nutritionist, although I think we are lifelong learners). My project is called “I am mindful.” My mission is to teach people to live mindfully – eat mindfully, think mindfully. To realize that I am what I eat and what I think about. Because everything has a vibration. To realize that one has to have enough humility within oneself for others, for oneself, for nature, and to be grateful. I also organize conferences on people’s happiness and success, fasting and detoxification retreats. In addition, I write a blog focusing on healing relationships, body and mind.

PhDr. Eva Fábiánová 

Mentor a terapeut alternatívnej medicíny.18 rokov podnikám v oblasti alternatívnej medicíny, používam aj ľudové liečiteľstvo, rôzne terapie,...

Mentor and therapist of alternative medicine

PhDr. Eva Fábiánová

Mentor a terapeut alternatívnej medicíny.
18 rokov podnikám v oblasti alternatívnej medicíny, používam aj ľudové liečiteľstvo, rôzne terapie, ako napr. regresné terapie. Riešim človeka komplexne na fyzickej, psychickej a duchovnej úrovni. Teda telo, myseľ a dušu. Snažím sa o trvalé zmeny a práve preto sa zameriavam aj na príčiny chorôb a snažím sa prepojiť psychosomatiku a na fyzickej úrovni s darmi prírody a používam na to aj produkty DuoLife. Robím aj energetický koučing, ktorý som absolvovala u známeho amerického terapeuta Toma Besta. Okrem iného som akreditovaný trofológ (odborník na výživu, aj keď si myslím, že sa učíme celý život). Môj projekt sa volá “Som uvedomelá”. Mojim poslaním je naučiť ľudí žiť uvedomelo – jesť uvedomelo, myslieť uvedomelo. Uvedomiť si, že som to, čo jem a na čo myslím. Lebo všetko má svoju vibráciu. Treba si uvedomiť, že je potrebné mať v sebe dostatok pokory k iným, k sebe, k prírode a byť vďačný. Organizujem aj konferencie zamerané na šťastný a úspešný život ľudí, pôstne a detoxikačné pobyty. Okrem toho píšem blog so zameraním na uzdravenie vzťahov, tela a mysle.

I have been in the alternative medicine business for 18 years, I also use folk healing, various therapies such as regression therapies. I treat people holistically on a physical, psychological and spiritual level. So body, mind and soul. I strive for lasting change and that is why I also focus on the causes of disease and try to connect psychosomatics and on the physical level with the gifts of nature and I use DuoLife products for this. I also do energy coaching, which I did with the famous American therapist Tom Best. Among other things, I am an accredited trophologist (nutritionist, although I think we are lifelong learners). My project is called “I am mindful.” My mission is to teach people to live mindfully – eat mindfully, think mindfully. To realize that I am what I eat and what I think about. Because everything has a vibration. To realize that one has to have enough humility within oneself for others, for oneself, for nature, and to be grateful. I also organize conferences on people’s happiness and success, fasting and detoxification retreats. In addition, I write a blog focusing on healing relationships, body and mind.

Mirosław Zając

Founder and mental trainer of the sport clubs network “Skazani na Street Workout”. He runs his own Street Workout sport club in Jaslo. A certified personal trainer who effectively helps others to become a healthier and stronger version of themselves. He is distinguished by expert knowledge in the subject of the psychology of habits and willpower. Enthusiast of the plant-based style of eating. Founder of the Holistic Health Club. Creator of many motivational videos, vlogs and free trainings, which he publishes on social media.

Mirosław Zając 

Founder and mental trainer of the sport clubs network “Skazani na Street Workout”. He runs his own...

Mirosław Zając

Founder and mental trainer of the sport clubs network “Skazani na Street Workout”. He runs his own Street Workout sport club in Jaslo. A certified personal trainer who effectively helps others to become a healthier and stronger version of themselves. He is distinguished by expert knowledge in the subject of the psychology of habits and willpower. Enthusiast of the plant-based style of eating. Founder of the Holistic Health Club. Creator of many motivational videos, vlogs and free trainings, which he publishes on social media.

Ryszard Wolny

Olympic Gold Medalist from Atlanta in GrecoRoman wrestling Coach Businessman. He started his adventure with a conscious lifestyle as a teenage boy when he decided to transfer wrestling from the school bench to the mat at one of his teacher’s suggestion. This is how he came to the Racibórz Union, where he remained until the end of his sports career. The wrestler trained from the very beginning by the sweat of his brow, which of course paid off and allowed him to become European Junior Champion in 1987 and a year later to repeat success in the category of 18-year-olds. During his career in the Polish national team, he stood four times on the podium of the European Championships in Greco-Roman wrestling, including 1989 when he won a gold medal. He is a bronze medallist of the World Championships from 1990 and 1994, as well as a five-time Olympian, including the gold medallist of the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 in the lightweight class. He won the Polish Championship 10 times: in featherweight (1989) and lightweight (1993-2001). From 2007-2015, coach of the Polish national team of wrestlers. Currently, the president and coach of teenagers at MKS “Unia” Racibórz. His life motto is: “It does not matter who you are, it is what you are like.” But his mission is: “Bringing up youth to the masters.”

Ryszard Wolny 

Olympic Gold Medalist from Atlanta in GrecoRoman wrestling Coach Businessman. He started his adventure with a conscious...

Ryszard Wolny

Olympic Gold Medalist from Atlanta in GrecoRoman wrestling Coach Businessman. He started his adventure with a conscious lifestyle as a teenage boy when he decided to transfer wrestling from the school bench to the mat at one of his teacher’s suggestion. This is how he came to the Racibórz Union, where he remained until the end of his sports career. The wrestler trained from the very beginning by the sweat of his brow, which of course paid off and allowed him to become European Junior Champion in 1987 and a year later to repeat success in the category of 18-year-olds. During his career in the Polish national team, he stood four times on the podium of the European Championships in Greco-Roman wrestling, including 1989 when he won a gold medal. He is a bronze medallist of the World Championships from 1990 and 1994, as well as a five-time Olympian, including the gold medallist of the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 in the lightweight class. He won the Polish Championship 10 times: in featherweight (1989) and lightweight (1993-2001). From 2007-2015, coach of the Polish national team of wrestlers. Currently, the president and coach of teenagers at MKS “Unia” Racibórz. His life motto is: “It does not matter who you are, it is what you are like.” But his mission is: “Bringing up youth to the masters.”

Izabela Turowska Lawska

Organizer of Healthy Living Clubs in England, speaker and author of the program “From Stress To Bliss”. She is supporting the program of spreading conscious, healthy and happy life on the Islands.
Izabela is professional physiotherapist. She also works as a masseuse and therapist. In her practice she uses Reiki, EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting. Izabela runs a holistic company which activities include: internal transformation as well as physical, emotional and spiritual health. Izabela is open and passionate person who infects everyone with her optimism and energy. She believes in people and in the fact that we have the power to create heaven on earth, becouse where we are going depends only on us.

Her motto: “Because life is to fully live on.” and “If you want to change the world – start with yourself.”

Izabela Turowska Lawska 

Organizer of Healthy Living Clubs in England, speaker and author of the program “From Stress To Bliss”....

Izabela Turowska Lawska

Organizer of Healthy Living Clubs in England, speaker and author of the program “From Stress To Bliss”. She is supporting the program of spreading conscious, healthy and happy life on the Islands.
Izabela is professional physiotherapist. She also works as a masseuse and therapist. In her practice she uses Reiki, EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting. Izabela runs a holistic company which activities include: internal transformation as well as physical, emotional and spiritual health. Izabela is open and passionate person who infects everyone with her optimism and energy. She believes in people and in the fact that we have the power to create heaven on earth, becouse where we are going depends only on us.

Her motto: “Because life is to fully live on.” and “If you want to change the world – start with yourself.”

Angela Swaan

Some experiences in her life made her job path today as 10 years ago she was dreaming to be an artist, also the desire to improve this process for others, led her to become a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer to help others. This is the reason why she works with her patients to make healthy eating and lifestyle changes by using a combination of personalized nutrition and tasty meal plans suitable for a range of them and lifestyle expertise of how to produce effective and personalized lifestyle recommendations for patients with varying lifestyles and daily demands along with. It’s all come along with her passion for studying Psychology of Nutrition which means putting efforts into bridging the gap between physical health and mental health. It might focus on issues related to weight, body image, food disorder, and how foods we eat contribute to issues in those areas. These are also significant efforts to establish a better understanding of the link between mind and body. As a result, it explores how stress negatively impacts the immune system, thus making physical illnesses more likely. She teaches how to overcome cravings for sweets and junk food and make healthier choices to keep up as a habit long–term. She thinks the most important is not just the effect you achieved but the time you can keep it as a long-term that is the reason, she is not taking shortcuts. She is not into a quick and restricted diet and a magic work–out’s promising miracles. She wants her patients to learn and keep the results for a lifetime not just for the summer she thinks we have too many available types of diets to choose from but not enough knowledge about the rationale of nutrition. The key to success is to create a personalized diet and creating healthy habits.

Angela Swaan 

Some experiences in her life made her job path today as 10 years ago she was dreaming...

Angela Swaan

Some experiences in her life made her job path today as 10 years ago she was dreaming to be an artist, also the desire to improve this process for others, led her to become a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer to help others. This is the reason why she works with her patients to make healthy eating and lifestyle changes by using a combination of personalized nutrition and tasty meal plans suitable for a range of them and lifestyle expertise of how to produce effective and personalized lifestyle recommendations for patients with varying lifestyles and daily demands along with. It’s all come along with her passion for studying Psychology of Nutrition which means putting efforts into bridging the gap between physical health and mental health. It might focus on issues related to weight, body image, food disorder, and how foods we eat contribute to issues in those areas. These are also significant efforts to establish a better understanding of the link between mind and body. As a result, it explores how stress negatively impacts the immune system, thus making physical illnesses more likely. She teaches how to overcome cravings for sweets and junk food and make healthier choices to keep up as a habit long–term. She thinks the most important is not just the effect you achieved but the time you can keep it as a long-term that is the reason, she is not taking shortcuts. She is not into a quick and restricted diet and a magic work–out’s promising miracles. She wants her patients to learn and keep the results for a lifetime not just for the summer she thinks we have too many available types of diets to choose from but not enough knowledge about the rationale of nutrition. The key to success is to create a personalized diet and creating healthy habits.

TEDx and International Speaker, Autor, Social worker, YouTube, Facebook content creator, contributor to health-related magazines, meditation guide, life coach, CMC certified Cupping Therapist

Alicja Son

She is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting others in their wellness journey. As a published author of 6 books and a regular contributor to magazines focused on wellbeing, nutrition, and mindset, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. Through her Facebook group, she is able to inspire and motivate individuals to prioritize their health through nutrition and mindset. She believes that making small changes every day can have a significant impact on overall wellbeing, and she encourages others to take steps towards better health. In addition to her writing, she also creates guided meditations to help listeners relax and unwind. These meditations are designed to calm the nervous system and promote a state of relaxation and recovery, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a speaker, she contributes to health summits, Facebook groups, and podcasts, sharing her expertise on managing stress, overcoming mindset limitations, and embracing vulnerability. Her qualifications in social work and experience helping clients overcome limitations have provided her with valuable insights that she is able to share with others. Overall, her work is focused on supporting individuals in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Whether through her writing, Facebook group, guided meditations, or speaking engagements, she is dedicated to empowering others to make positive changes in their lives and improve their overall wellbeing.

Alicja Son 

She is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting others in their wellness journey. As a...

TEDx and International Speaker, Autor, Social worker, YouTube, Facebook content creator, contributor to health-related magazines, meditation guide, life coach, CMC certified Cupping Therapist

Alicja Son

She is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting others in their wellness journey. As a published author of 6 books and a regular contributor to magazines focused on wellbeing, nutrition, and mindset, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. Through her Facebook group, she is able to inspire and motivate individuals to prioritize their health through nutrition and mindset. She believes that making small changes every day can have a significant impact on overall wellbeing, and she encourages others to take steps towards better health. In addition to her writing, she also creates guided meditations to help listeners relax and unwind. These meditations are designed to calm the nervous system and promote a state of relaxation and recovery, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a speaker, she contributes to health summits, Facebook groups, and podcasts, sharing her expertise on managing stress, overcoming mindset limitations, and embracing vulnerability. Her qualifications in social work and experience helping clients overcome limitations have provided her with valuable insights that she is able to share with others. Overall, her work is focused on supporting individuals in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Whether through her writing, Facebook group, guided meditations, or speaking engagements, she is dedicated to empowering others to make positive changes in their lives and improve their overall wellbeing.

sommelier, wellness travel advisor

Silvia Silver

Meet Silvia, a wellness travel advisor who is passionate about helping individuals lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle while exploring the world. With a background in holistic health and extensive travel experience, Silvia has a deep understanding of how to create transformative travel experiences that nurture the mind, body, and soul.

As a wellness travel advisor, Silvia works closely with her clients to design customized itineraries that prioritize their health and wellness goals. Whether it’s a yoga retreat in Bali, a spa getaway in Tulum, or a hiking expedition in the Swiss Alps, Silvia has the expertise and resources to curate a travel experience that leaves her clients feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and inspired.
With a focus on sustainable and responsible tourism practices, Silvia is committed to supporting local communities and promoting eco-friendly travel. She believes that wellness travel should not only benefit the traveler but also have a positive impact on the destinations they visit.
Through her work as a wellness travel advisor, Silvia hopes to inspire others to prioritize their health and well-being while exploring the world. She believes that travel has the power to transform and heal, and she is dedicated to helping her clients create meaningful, life-changing travel experiences.

Silvia Silver 

Meet Silvia, a wellness travel advisor who is passionate about helping individuals lead a healthy and balanced...

sommelier, wellness travel advisor

Silvia Silver

Meet Silvia, a wellness travel advisor who is passionate about helping individuals lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle while exploring the world. With a background in holistic health and extensive travel experience, Silvia has a deep understanding of how to create transformative travel experiences that nurture the mind, body, and soul.

As a wellness travel advisor, Silvia works closely with her clients to design customized itineraries that prioritize their health and wellness goals. Whether it’s a yoga retreat in Bali, a spa getaway in Tulum, or a hiking expedition in the Swiss Alps, Silvia has the expertise and resources to curate a travel experience that leaves her clients feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and inspired.
With a focus on sustainable and responsible tourism practices, Silvia is committed to supporting local communities and promoting eco-friendly travel. She believes that wellness travel should not only benefit the traveler but also have a positive impact on the destinations they visit.
Through her work as a wellness travel advisor, Silvia hopes to inspire others to prioritize their health and well-being while exploring the world. She believes that travel has the power to transform and heal, and she is dedicated to helping her clients create meaningful, life-changing travel experiences.

Maria Teresa Patinha

She is a health professional – a physiotherapist, osteopath and health coach. Since her physiotherapeutic practice (29 years ago) and later as an Osteopath, and still today, she is promoting and coaching people’s awareness of their lifestyle – and the role that this lifestyle plays for their health (in every aspect): the way they eat, exercise, and nourish their mental and spiritual health. Her mission is to help each person to realise that “reaching 80 years of age as a person capable of driving” depends on him or her, because “material is always right”. (The Portuguese are speaking).
She is 51 years old, Portuguese, married for 23 years and a mother blessed with one daughter.
She loves music, spending time with her loved ones, nature, hiking, jogging and Kundalini Yoga “.

Maria Teresa Patinha 

She is a health professional – a physiotherapist, osteopath and health coach. Since her physiotherapeutic practice (29...

Maria Teresa Patinha

She is a health professional – a physiotherapist, osteopath and health coach. Since her physiotherapeutic practice (29 years ago) and later as an Osteopath, and still today, she is promoting and coaching people’s awareness of their lifestyle – and the role that this lifestyle plays for their health (in every aspect): the way they eat, exercise, and nourish their mental and spiritual health. Her mission is to help each person to realise that “reaching 80 years of age as a person capable of driving” depends on him or her, because “material is always right”. (The Portuguese are speaking).
She is 51 years old, Portuguese, married for 23 years and a mother blessed with one daughter.
She loves music, spending time with her loved ones, nature, hiking, jogging and Kundalini Yoga “.

Iwona King

Registered Operating Department Practitioner of Clinical Practice in Perioperative Care. Keynote speaker, author of the e-book “It’s Time to Break Free! 7steps to break free from feelings of self- doubt and low self-esteem so that you can live a life full of courage and confidence”. Mentor and Transformation and Self-Realization Life Coach, who leads people of all ages to become the best version of them-selves, achieving their maximum potential. She believes it’s never to late to achieve your dreams and desires. Through her own life experiences and personal development journey she developed the skills and abilities to see positive opportunity in almost every circumstance. Iwona inspires and motivate the people around her. With holistic and individual approach, Iwona brings people out of the comfort zone through the transformation to success with practical strategies, tools and knowledge how to empower yourself. Iwona helps in gaining the balance after emotional, personal and health related trauma. Iwona shares the knowledge on how to deal with anxiety, stress and how to make decisions effectively. How to change habits and re-program your way of thinking with the acceptance of yourself. Iwona loves dancing, especially Cuban Salsa and Ceroc (modern jive). When it comes to sport, she loves to train Krav Maga. She is fascinated by human behavior and brain neuroplasticity.

Her motto:
“Your thoughts and feelings are the conversation between your mind and your soul, which become the ignition for your actions. Managing them well manifests results in life”

Iwona King 

Registered Operating Department Practitioner of Clinical Practice in Perioperative Care. Keynote speaker, author of the e-book “It’s...

Iwona King

Registered Operating Department Practitioner of Clinical Practice in Perioperative Care. Keynote speaker, author of the e-book “It’s Time to Break Free! 7steps to break free from feelings of self- doubt and low self-esteem so that you can live a life full of courage and confidence”. Mentor and Transformation and Self-Realization Life Coach, who leads people of all ages to become the best version of them-selves, achieving their maximum potential. She believes it’s never to late to achieve your dreams and desires. Through her own life experiences and personal development journey she developed the skills and abilities to see positive opportunity in almost every circumstance. Iwona inspires and motivate the people around her. With holistic and individual approach, Iwona brings people out of the comfort zone through the transformation to success with practical strategies, tools and knowledge how to empower yourself. Iwona helps in gaining the balance after emotional, personal and health related trauma. Iwona shares the knowledge on how to deal with anxiety, stress and how to make decisions effectively. How to change habits and re-program your way of thinking with the acceptance of yourself. Iwona loves dancing, especially Cuban Salsa and Ceroc (modern jive). When it comes to sport, she loves to train Krav Maga. She is fascinated by human behavior and brain neuroplasticity.

Her motto:
“Your thoughts and feelings are the conversation between your mind and your soul, which become the ignition for your actions. Managing them well manifests results in life”

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