How to take care of your spine regardless of your age?

The daily dose of moderate physical activity is beneficial for the spine. If you have a sedentary job and choose the activities like swimming, pilates or popular classes in a gym, you can have a healthy spine. Remember that 30-40 minutes of pfysical activity a day provides better tissue oxygenation, which translates into keeping oxygen in your blood and supplying cells with it – including those that form a part of the bones, muscles and ligaments. Do not forget about the other advantages of physical activity, such as: better mood, weight regulation, or more energy every day.

Losing weight

It is assumed that 1 kg of body weight is up to 8 kg load for the spine. Overweight itself can (and it often does!) cause the pain in the spine. A popular complaint in this case is, for example, sciatica. A healthy lifestyle and proper weight are essential if you want your spine to be healthy for as long as possible.

Take care of yourself at work!

If you work in front of a computer, check out our article on how to care for your spine while sitting We often complain about the pain in the lumbar and cervical spine – the reason is not just computer work, but also long hours spent with the mobile device in hand. The ailment associated with the cervical segment even gained its own name “tech neck”. How to help yourself? Take care of the correct posture at work, as well as during relaxation with a tablet or phone.

At work, it is also important to change the position frequently. In the case of working at a desk, it is good to get up, walk around the office and stretch. While standing, it is recommended to change position – you can at the same time invest in a small step and alternately put your feet on it.

Look for a proper mattress

During sleep, your body regenerates, which is why sleeping and using a proper bed and mattress is an important part of taking care of your health. The mattress you sleep on should not be too soft – it is better to choose a harder one. Physiotherapists recommend that when you get out of bed, you should not rush – just slowly prepare for a new day. It is good to take a moment and then get up for your morning duties.

Learn how to lift things!

If your job requires lifting heavy things, remember to do it properly! Lift the weights doing the squat – instead of leaning to the heavy thing. Keep the weight you are carrying close to you. If you can, spread the weight over two hands evenly – for example, during shopping. You can also pack your shopping to a backpack or trolley.

Age and spine

Your backbone changes with age. Therefore, depending on how old you are, take care of your spine in a certain way. In the 20-30 years range, a regular physical activity is recommended to strengthen the spine. Above the age of 30, the so-called bone turnover period appears. Therefore, your spine is efficient and resistant. From the age of 30, moderate physical activity is recommended several times a week – it is worth choosing a bike, running or swimming pool. From the age of 35, muscular efficiency begins to decrease, and thus our ligaments and tendons are less resistant to stretching. Aerobics or other workouts are then recommended – but with a gradual increase of effort. After the age of 45, continue practicing combining various activities – aerobics and weight training. It turns out that weight training is recommended at this age, as well as later, because it makes the bone cells become stronger.

To sum up: take care of yourself, exercise regularly, remember about moving at work and sleep on a good mattress – these few things will allow you to take care of your healthy spine and significantly reduce the pain.

How to take care of your spine regardless of your age?

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