Steps to True Freedom

Author: Iwona King, Ambassador of the World Healthy Living Foundation

Any life coach that will tell you they are positive all of the time, they are not truthful to you and more so, they are being dishonest to themselves. Even with my 7 Steps to Break Free, you need to accept the fact that you cannot stay positive 24/7, 356 days a year. You can learn to control your emotions and the length of time you choose to be feeling positive or negative.

If you find yourself in a negative state, do something physical. Jump, dance, walk, just move around, shake your hands, stretch, anything that involves physical motion. It is scientifically proven that the happy hormones; which are endorphin, oxytocin and dopamine, the motivation hormone, are realised into our brains when we are moving.
Those hormones can also be increased by simple things like a smile, a hug, or an act of kindness. Music is another well-known method for changing moods and creating positive emotions. Put your favourite tune on and dance or sing!

Here are 3 Action Steps to get you started:

1 – Give Gratitude

Go and get a note book and keep it by the side of your bed. Start writing up to 10 things you are grateful for every morning when you wake; from having your health, your family, to things like food you have on your table, anything you are thankful for. Focus on what you already have not on what you don’t possess.

2 – Gain Clarity

Make 3 appointments of 30 minutes during each week, with yourself. In that time be still, try to empty your mind, slow you mind down and relax. No phone, no TV, no chatting, no kids, just you with yourself. You will be astonished by the effect this will bring you. You will be rested, clear on things you want and able to see, ideas will flow, and you will feel calmer.

3 – Smile

This is the simplest thing to do to shift your negative energy and feelings. Smile to yourself in the mirror every morning when you do your hair, make up or brushing your teeth. Tell yourself you are a beautiful, remarkable human being with gifts, potential and talents. You are amazing, you are the person you were looking for. People are drawn towards positive people and they move away from miserable ones.

And when you are ready…

You want to be happy, to get rid of the self-doubt, to break from negative thinking, to become more confident, more successful, more productive and the best version of yourself.

You want to make peace with the past, forgive yourself and change your story. You want to write your new script. You are the star in this movie called life not a supporting cast. The lights and eyes are on you! It’s not going to be easy but will be worth it!

You will focus on what you want, you’ll do the necessary work, you’ll commit and you will achieve your goals. Your own personality produces your reality by what you are thinking of yourself, how you are acting and what you are feeling.

If you want the best version of yourself you must change your mindset, behaviour and the habits that you have been conditioned by. You cannot expect new results with the same habits and routine. If you plant a seed in unhealthy ground, would it grow? You are the seed. If you don’t see the goodness in yourself, if you associate with the wrong people and environment you will not grow or develop. Your growth requires a healthy approach.

Steps to True Freedom

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