Cholesterol – how to maintaint it’s healthy levels?

Author: Aleksandra Kowalska

Let’s start with a question: is cholesterol really bad? Probably your first thought is “of course it is!”? However, the world of health is not black and white and what is believed as “bad”, often turns out to be essential (in the appropriate quantity, of course). This is exactly the situation with cholesterol – a substance that we tend to associate only with the cause of cardiovascular diseases, including the atherosclerosis. Nevertheless, cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of the human body – it is a component of cell membranes, it is necessary for the organism to be able to produce vitamin D3, and it plays an important role in the production of the adrenal and sex hormones. Such functions are numerous, so if cholesterol is not hazardous, what is?

As in the case of any substance found in the body – harmful is an abnormal level of cholesterol, that is, its excess (or in rare cases, deficiency – also very dangerous, which can lead, among others to depression or abnormal development of the nervous system. It is not difficult to have an excess levels of cholesterol – it is only a matter of a bad diet, full of fried and heavy, fatty food, for the excessive amount of cholesterol to become even life-threatening. This is because as much as 60-80% of cholesterol is produced by our body, and the remaining amount comes from the diet, that is why there is such a strong need to regulate the intake of cholesterol.

 With this information, it is easier to look at the cholesterol problem – because you do not have to eliminate it completely (it is even impossible). It is enough to take steps to lower and stabilize the level of cholesterol in blood to protect yourself from the threat of atherosclerosis.

 What to do to decrease blood cholesterol level?

  • Limit animal fats. It is recommended to get rid of fat milk and dairy products, butter, cheese etc. as often it is possible. The same applies to meat, especially fatty pork neck, knuckles and sausages.
  • Give up sweets and sweet and fatty baked goods such as doughnuts, biscuits and cream-filled pastries.
  • Look with suspicion at eggs because they are ‘double agents’. On the one hand, they contain large amounts of cholesterol; on the other hand, they contain lecithins, which prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, they are not fully banned, but you have to be careful – a healthy person can afford a few eggs a week.
  • Instead all above, invite to your kitchen vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, and groats. Replace animal fat with a vitamin and fibre bomb!
  • Take care of your physical fitness, in a regular and moderate manner. A quick walk a few times a week will be a better choice than a hard workout during the weekend. The aim is to get your body moving, along with your metabolism, and to get your cardiovascular system more used to being temporarily faster. Regular exercise has a much greater effect on lowering cholesterol than changing your diet (but of course the changes must be comprehensive to be fully effective).
  • Take care of regularity. It is better to introduce changes slowly, but permanently, not to make a quick burst and give up – the body does not like sudden changes in any area, so it is better to avoid the “yo-yo effect” in fat management.
  • Support cholesterol regulation with supplements made from natural ingredients. In particular, look for botanicals such as:

          o Garlic – lowers cholesterol,

          o Fermented red rice – regulates cholesterol synthesis,

          o Gynostemma – cares for good cholesterol levels and strengthens the circulatory system,

          o Amla fruit – strengthens the heart muscle

          o Brahmi (small-leaved bacopa) – prevents oxidation of fats in the blood, which is the cause of many heart diseases.

Taking care of the above points is able to minimize or even completely eliminate the possibility of atherosclerosis-related problems in the future, so it is worth taking care to introduce at least one of them for a good start right now – not postponing anything for “from tomorrow”!


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Cholesterol – how to maintaint it’s healthy levels?

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