What should you know about immunity?

Author: PhD Karolina Trzeciak

What exactly is immunology, the science of immunity? Contrary to popular belief, there are many definitions here. This is due to the fact, that even inn even very simple organisms have the first mechanisms that protect them against the adverse effects of the environment. For the purposes of this article, however, we will assume that immunology is the science of anti-infective immunity in humans and other mammals. According to one division, we distinguish between specific and non-specific immunity.

Non-specific (innate) immunity is our body’s first line of defence, preventing the intrusion of microorganisms. It is similar in every human being. It includes mechanical barriers such as skin and mucous membranes, antibacterial proteins, Natural Kiler (NK) cells and phagocytic cells (neutrophils and macrophages). Other mechanisms will be the genetic unsuitability of the organism for the parasite in question, as well as reactions familiar to everyone, such as sneezing, coughing, vomiting or diarrhoea.

Acquired or specific immunity is a more complex system. We acquire it throughout our lives through contact with pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites that are found in our environment. An important part of specific immunity is made up of lymphocytes, including T lymphocytes together with the proteins they release called antibodies. At this point, it is worth mentioning that the immune system is called intelligent. This is because lymphocytes have the ability to ‘remember’ antigens that our body has already been in contact with. This allows the body to adapt to the environment in which specific pathogens are present.

Can we influence our immunity? Apart from just avoiding pathogens, are we able to take care of our body so that we get sick as little as possible. No organ, cell or tissue exists in a vacuum and what happens in other parts of the body affects them. After all, the immune system is supposed to keep all of the above safe. This is why the immune system is closely interdependent with other systems of the human body, such as the nervous, circulatory, digestive and endocrine systems. For our body and all its individual systems, including the immune system, to function properly, the body’s homeostasis must be maintained. Therefore, the way to strengthen immunity is also to take care of our body according to the 5S strategy.

The importance of the different Pillars of the 5S Strategy for resilience:

  1. Sensible nutrition

The word ‘diet’ is not usually associated very well. Nowadays, as soon as you type the word into an internet search engine, a long list of restrictive, and often deficient diets designed for weight loss unfolds. It can easily be overlooked that the word, having its origin in classical Greek, had a very broad meaning, namely ‘lifestyle’. Nowadays, the word diet is narrowed down to all the food we eat. Nutrition is the aspect of our lives that is completely under our control. We decide what appears on our plate. The food pyramid hardly needs reminding. It is also well-known that meals should be tailored to individual nutritional needs, depending, among other things, on age, level of physical activity and even season. By consciously planning our meals, we provide our bodies with all the substances necessary for its proper functioning, and thus maintain the dynamic balance of the entire organism, known as homeostasis.

  1. Superior fitness

Insufficient or no exercise at all can cause disorders of many metabolic processes in our body. At the same time, the immune system is interconnected with other systems of our body, so by having a positive effect on the others, we also indirectly contribute to improving our body’s defence functions. It is a proven fact that regular moderate-intensity exercise increases immunity, causes an increase in the production of lymphocytes in the blood and can even support immune memory.

  1. Supplementation

As mentioned earlier, our diet should be healthy, varied and contain all the vitamins, micronutrients and nutrients and non-nutrients necessary for the body to function properly. At the same time, Troesh et al. in a 2012 paper noted that even in developed countries such as the USA, the UK and Germany, a significant proportion of the population does not take in the necessary vitamins and minerals with their meals at sufficient levels. Other researchers such as Huskisson et al (2007) have also noted that there are groups of people who are more vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies than others, such as those on elimination diets for various reasons, people with eating disorders or the elderly. In the light of the above, dietary supplements may be helpful. Ingredients of particular importance for the immune system are certain vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and also so-called natural non-nutrients.

  1. Sufficient cleansing of the body of toxins

Water is essential for the functioning of all living organisms. It is an appropriate environment for the biochemical reactions taking place in the cell. It determines the maintenance of the correct firmness and function of cells, and thus tissues and organs. In addition, water is involved in the intracorporeal transport of nutrients and determines the excretion of harmful metabolites and other substances from the body. In light of the above information, there is probably no need to convince anyone to reach for another glass of water.

  1. Stress management

Although we keep hearing that stress is the root of all evil, one cannot fail to mention that it is a natural, physiological phenomenon and necessary for the development of every human being. The problem arises when the state of tension in our body and mind does not pass. Nowadays, the influence of the psyche on the appearance of physiological symptoms is considered rather obvious and has its own branch of science: psychosomatics. There are many options for working with stress and emotions. From physical activity to meditation and specialised third-party help.

What about non-specific immunity? It is commonly said that we have no influence on innate immunity. However, we also support this immunity by taking care of the overall functioning of our organism and, in the case of the skin, also by using good-quality natural cosmetics.

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What should you know about immunity?

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