Co-create your life!

Author: Mounia Benadda

Co-creating your life means that you can create your universe and your world from unity. Depending on your beliefs, the oneness can be called the great All, God, the universe, Buddha, the divine part in you…We will call it the Universe.

What if you became aware of our creative power, so that you could take a little more responsibility for your own happiness?

Who has never dreamed of manifesting life and living in serenity?

And if you had the means to achieve and maintain this state of serenity, regardless of external circumstances, how would you feel?

What if, in order to reach this inner state of Being, you had to understand some simple laws of the functioning of the laws of the universe and consciously surrender to them.

First of all, you must understand that the language of the universe is not a language, the universe works in terms of frequency.

Everything that materializes outside of you exists inside you. You are an electromagnetic being that emits a frequency. Only those things that are on the frequency you emit can manifest in your life.

Every situation reminds you every day of what frequency you are on and you can decide to stay on it or change it, to attract to you what you really want.

This current view is in contrast to the mind/matter duality that conditioned an earlier worldview of a reality where people could not change their own actions, let alone their thoughts.

Today, physicists have come up with a new view that we are part of a vast invisible energy field, containing all possible realities and reacting to our thoughts and feelings.

So how do we come to terms with this vast field of energy, to surrender to life with confidence?

What if you learn to control your mind and body to achieve your desires!

This process of co-creating your life goes through several stages that are essential to the manifestation of your future. And it is in the present that all possible futures are written.

  1. Ask yourself what you want from life.

Be specific, set goals and personal objectives for your life. Make sure that these are sincere and aligned with your vision of life. If you are having difficulty with some of your requests, it may be that your blockages are hiding old wounds or beliefs inherited from your parents and other ancestors.

In this case, the prerequisite to your transformation is to change your beliefs, to be accompanied, to heal your childhood wounds.

You will not be able to attract success in your field, if in your beliefs, success and money is associated with dishonesty for example.

Proclaim that the restrictive mental patterns that brought you to this point no longer exist. They have prevented you from being who you wanted to be. Let go of your fears and burdens.

Build a foundation of new beliefs/foundations to change or update your mental hard drive.

Now say that you want to attract the best for yourself, feel the joy of the belief that you are worth unconditional love.

Make the following statement:

“Everything I need to know is available to me. Everything I need comes to me. I am love-worthy, I love and I am loved. I am healthy and full of energy. I am successful in all areas. All is well in my world.

Believe strongly that “you are worthy”, “you love yourself”, “you allow yourself to be fulfilled”.

Make a wish to the Universe and say: “I know where I want to go and what I want to achieve”.

Affirmations are seeds to be planted with patience until they grow.

The precision of your goals, reinforces your sense of possibility, and prevents you from doubting and then deviating from the path. The intention you put into your wish must be strong and determined.

Indeed, have a burning desire when declaring what you want from your life: falling in love with the version of your goal increases the force of magnetism tenfold. This allows you to radiate (increase your vibrations and therefore your frequency) and attract what you desire more easily.

Do not try to find solutions with your ego, the one that may have been the cause of your painful experiences.

Moreover, our ego perceives our life in a predictable way.

To truly give yourself up is to let go of the ego’s control.

It is opening up to things we may not have even considered.

Accept to surrender to the infinite wisdom, to the universe. This will allow you to trust the process without fear. Understand that all potentialities exist in the infinite possible. All you have to do is tune into the right frequency and let go!

You still need to have a clear vision of your future of course!

  1. Create your own vision of the future

To know where you need to go and see the right opportunities, after being specific about what you want to achieve, you need to be able to visualise. That is, create images in your head of the goal you have achieved.

You can also create a vision board to help you visualise your goal, you can use a support (sheet of paper, board or online).

The vision board is one of the most important (and fun!) tools for anyone who has decided to create their own life and live with awareness and authenticity.

You can use it to make any of your goals and dreams come true.

The advantage is that you can look at it often and project yourself inside your dreams.

Experience mentally and often what you want to manifest in your life by putting in details (colours, smells, scents, landscapes.), but especially emotions.

This point is crucial! Don’t be afraid to dream big, to be enthusiastic in the present, as long as this is your deepest desire.

What if the key is to simulate your future in the present?

  1. Imagine how you will feel once you have co-created your reality.

Associate the emotions and sensations of that future, and then simulate the emotions and sensations of that future. You can take advantage of your waking and pre-bedtime state (when your brain waves are lower than during the day and your mind is less active) to create this alchemy within you.

Connect to your heart, because the magnetic field of the heart is much more powerful than that of your mind.

Do not focus and concentrate on fear, lack, fears, or any low frequency emotion but rather on emotions related to the goals to be achieved. Visualising in a negative internal state does not produce the desired results. Become ultra conscious of your feelings during your visualizations and find your emotions to eliminate progressively from your feelings in order to achieve your life goals. In addition to choosing thoughts that are in line with your dreams, it is essential to condition the body to a new state of mind.

At first, do this every day, it will change your personality for the better. You will have a new way of thinking, acting and feeling.

Create the mental and physical alchemy of the desired reality.

Remember that you will attract what you feel. So as many times as you change your feelings, you will change your life.

If you are experiencing too much mental resistance, don’t hesitate to seek brief therapy to break free from your chains.

Don’t be discouraged by the time it takes, time passes anyway and your dreams are worth it.

What if your brain was your best ally to help you live this reality and manifest it?

  1. Pretend that this reality is already inside you

Once the above steps have been taken, you should pretend that the thing you want is already inside you.

It is easier to do this exercise after visualizing, because the brain does not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. The key is there.

Feeling with the heart, investing the body like a child, who feels himself becoming a superhero capable of experiencing the extraordinary creates a new biochemistry.

The lymbic part of the brain does not distinguish between the true and the false. The unconscious, like the laws of the universe, does not know the difference either. So you have to fool the brain into believing that you have already done it, because that sends a message to the universe that it is sending you what you want (often in a very surprising way).

What if while the universe is preparing your orders (desires), you take the opportunity to look at the wonderful things you already have in yourself and in your life?

  1. Be grateful for what you already have

Gratitude is the vitamin of the soul. It is essential to an abundant and satisfying life. In addition to allowing you to access the divine part of your brain, to connect to the higher consciousness of yourself, it is a supreme acknowledgment of the universe to co-create. You tell it that you are ready to receive more.

It increases well being, creativity, imagination and therefore attraction (it naturally raises your vibratory frequency).

It opens the heart.

Giving thanks will allow you to focus your mind on what you have and therefore create more luck in your life and make more wishes come true.

Ultimately, your power of co-creation is your superpower!

Once you have eliminated negativity and debunked your limiting beliefs, launch yourself fearlessly and gratefully into the best version of your life!

There is a small seed in each of us, which already contains the Oak Tree we become over time.

Connect with your heart and listen to what your soul is telling you. What is your intuition about what you would like to experience in this life? No matter where you are today, decide to reconnect to your LIFE with the help of the universe, it is there that the field of possibilities unfolds to infinity.

Follow your intuition with all your strength, it is your JOY, your wonder to offer to the whole universe. Dare to do something worthy of you, of your higher self. Mentally visualise the wish and feel the emotion and never leave it! It is your compass from now on! Go about your business and let go.

Remember that the only way to succeed is to trust.

The more patience you have, the more things happen.

This keeps the frequency high and the ability to receive.

This is how the path will be revealed to you.

Your life will take an incredible turn!

You will be amazed at how the universe responds to your requests!

In fact, you will finally understand that life is a fun and joyful adventure and you will reconnect to your childlike soul forever!

It’s up to you!


Mounia Benadda

Co-create your life!

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