Take back the responsibility for your health

Author: Dr. Jiri Urbanek, MBA

What is our role in looking after our health? It is assuming responsibility. Accepting the fact that many diseases come to people as consequences of their bad decisions. Health is closely connected with the mental setup and attitude to life. Even in this field it is up to each one of us whether we will be creators or victims. Rejecting responsibility for oneā€™s condition, laziness and refusing to participate in maintaining good health are the maladies of todayā€™s humanity.

In nearly 20 years of my former job in the pharmaceutical business I come across this topic every day and I realize how unkindly we treat our body and soul and what the connections are.

Like in many other walks of life we give up the control over our health. We consider diseases to be a regular part of life, a tax for civilization conveniences. This is why many of them are called civilization diseases. And since it is civilization who is to be blamed for our diseases, it is civilization who should make sure that we are healthy again. I believe that the most important thing, related to our health is to behave the way, we will not need medical interventions!!!

But we rely on the doctors and the system and refuse to play any role in the process of maintaining our health. Because it is easy. Honestly, human beings are ā€œlazy animalsā€ and prefer having an easy life. However, in the long term, this will bring its unpleasant consequences.

Many people approach their body as a car, fridge or washing machine. They use it wastefully, feed it with bad diet, intoxicate it with various substances, do not give it any rest and relaxation and then they are surprised that something goes wrong. The same applies to the soul and mind.

It is like having a car, revving it up as much as it takes, fueling it with some crap instead of petrol and never checking the oil. It will break down. So, what, we say, and we drive to the repair shop. In the same way we want to send the body to the repair shop.

We see the doctor and expect to be quickly repaired so that we can ā€œget the most of lifeā€ again. So, the doctors fix us if they can. And what do we do? Do we learn and begin to treat ourselves better?

Most of the time we do not because we refuse responsibility for our condition. It is so enticing to blame our poor health on someone or something else. The repair shop, the doctor, is there for us. Many people institutionalize their diseases and demand that the repair be performed immediately and without compromising their lifestyle. Just replace something or give me a pill so that we can go on consuming tons of fat pork, beer and liquor. ā€œHey doc, you wonā€™t forbid me anything. Just fix me up and shut up.ā€ And the system unwittingly encourages this attitude by giving the false impression that, thanks to health insurance, such services are free.

Imagine that an overweight person who likes to have a couple of beers and shots, a heavy smoker, doing sports only while sitting in front of the TV comes to see a doctor. The doctor sees all the risk factors but because no pathology has developed yet instead of pills, he administers the following recommendations: ā€œLose 10 kilos, cut down on alcohol and stop smoking, then come back in a couple of weeks. We will see how you are doing, and we will assess your health.ā€

What will the patient say? ā€œWhat kind of a doctor is he? He is supposed to give me pills not to educate me. This canā€™t be. I am going to complain to the Medical Chamber. They will give him an earful. Oh, what an impostor!ā€

Even the medical people are just people. Sometimes they yield to various pressures in their decisions. They prefer to prescribe a pill to discussing with the patient, like in the previous case. They do not want to run the risk of being pushed around. Why should they bother?

Even the doctors, in my opinion, are not obliged to assume responsibility for the bad decisions of us, their patients. On the other hand, even doctors are overwhelmed by emotions. They are also humans with various abilities, emotions, knowledge and skills.

It does not mean, to refuse the medical help in necessary cases. It is about taking the responsibility and treat our bodies and souls like friends, not like car or fridge.

For sure, there are situations we will be grateful for medical help. For a treatment, surgery etc. But even in such situations we have to be conscious and careful. And active approach is a must.

Ā Your health is at stake. Ask your doctor if the proposed procedure is best for you, and what alternative treatment options are available. Also ask how you can help yourself through diet and lifestyle changes. Clearly anyone may be struck with a disease and may need professional help. This has to be accepted with humility and with the knowledge that even doctors are not almighty. And that they need to be helped by the patientā€™s active attitude and optimism and the desire to regain the lost health.

Our body and mind we are going to use for 70+ years and we simply can not ā€œchange partsā€. So let us keep this shell healthy by conscious approach to it. SO let us behave the way, we consciously accept the responsibility for our physical and mental health.

We just have to be the guard dog of our health.

Thinking of it, there pops up a question: ā€œWhat good will you start to do for your body and soul from now?ā€

Take back the responsibility for your health

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